Proximity Data, DBA. has a long history of existence. The entity was created in year 2002 with intention to bring to the market the Serial ATA hard drive interconnect technology for personal computers as well as inside large data storage enclosures. Proximity Data has presented during Intel Developer Forum of 2003 the first in world 3U, 12 Serial ATA hard drive enclosure providing RAID data array to remote user over the Ethernet link utilizing ESCSI protocol. Unfortunately we were too early and too small then.
Our first fully functional Serial ATA PCIE host adapter based on the chip designed by () in collaboration with Intel and Vitesse was in high demand though.
With Serial ATA interface being soon included in the Intel South Bridge of personal computers’ chipset, and the Data Storage Industry opting for either Fabre Channel or SSCSI interfaces, we were forced to rethink our technology development. Proximity Data single person engineering team made a very difficult decision to temporally close doors.